Save the Date! We're golfing June 6, 2025.

Get ready to tee off for a great cause at the Leduc Community Hospital Foundation's 32nd Annual Charity Golf Classic!

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Making a Difference, One Scholarship at a Time

Catching up with a Healthcare Studies Scholarship Recipient

Kristina Allen was one of the first recipients of the Foundation’s Healthcare Studies Scholarship in 2022. We are pleased to reintroduce you to her and share her story and where her path has led since receiving the scholarship.

It was a rare heart and lung disease diagnosis within her family that propelled Kristina towards a career in Respiratory Therapy, a decision that solidified upon her acceptance into the program at NAIT. Once she was accepted into the program, she knew the scholarship would be applicable to her goals. After seeing the scholarship opportunity in the Foundation's social media channels, she seized the chance to support her lifelong aspiration of contributing to the healthcare system.

“When I first heard I was a recipient of the Healthcare Studies Scholarship, I was filled with gratitude and excitement.” says Allen. “Receiving the scholarship represented an affirmation of the dedication I had invested in pursing excellence in high school in order to reach my goal.”

Opportunities like this matter to aspiring healthcare professionals as most programs are very demanding, learning so much information during a condensed period of time. The Respiratory Therapy program at NAIT is very intense in terms of coursework, materials and labs and this, compounded by Kristina’s commitment as a student athlete, would have been a daunting endeavor were it not for the alleviation of financial burdens offered by the scholarship. By easing the financial strain, the scholarship empowered Kristina to effectively channel her acquired knowledge and expertise within education and clinical settings.

As Kristina progressed through her second year at NAIT, her breadth of knowledge expanded, encompassing diverse areas such as neonatal/pediatrics and long-term care. In May 2023, she took the pivotal step of initiating her clinical rotations at the Leduc Community Hospital, marking another stride in her journey as a new healthcare professional. She started her second Clinical placement in Leduc in February 2024.

“I wanted to be able to share the skills and knowledge I had accumulated throughout my program at NAIT,” adds Kristina. “I knew I would have opportunities for clinical placements in large hospitals but I also wanted to see how experiences would differ being in a smaller community hospital.”

Her advice to those looking to get into the healthcare field, “Once you find out what you are most interested in, find out what courses you need in order to apply and work hard to aspire to get the best marks you can. Make sure you have a plan, but also have a back-up plan as well as sometimes, not everything goes the exact way we predict!”

Learn more about the Foundation's Scholarships and Awards.